TIC Medvode

All information about Medvode and its surroundings, the tourist offer and events are available at the Tourist Information Centre (TIC). If you need an idea for a trip or just directions, if you want to have an excellent lunch and a drink or if you want to learn about the history of this area – come to the TIC, located at the Medvode train station.

We offer visitors free maps and catalogues of the town and its surroundings and help you select a gift or a keepsake to bring back memories from our shop, where you can buy souvenirs and protocol gifts with local character.

izposoja koles, medvode, med vodami

Bike rental

The services of TIC Medvode also include bike rental, which can make a tourist visit more interesting or simply make it easier for visitors to move from one end of town to the other. TIC offers six men’s and women’s trekking bikes of different sizes, which are also perfect for riding on dirt roads. Bikes can be rented during office hours.

promocijsko gradivo občina medvode, medvode

Promotional material

We believe that the Municipality of Medvode has much to offer – from the pristine environment to cultural and historical attractions. While we prefer if you visit us in person, we also prepared beautiful, comprehensive and informative promotional material for those who would like to learn some information about Medvode beforehand. Our latest printed publication is a promotional catalogue (published in June 2016) in five languages: it is available in Slovenian, English, German, French or Italian.

spominki medvode, spominki


TIC Medvode sells a wide selection of souvenirs, which we regularly improve and update. You can see our newest arrivals in the photos below.


Cesta komandanta Staneta 2, 1215 Medvode


Monday 6 am to 11 am 
Tuesday 6 am to 11 am and noon to 5 pm
Wednesday 6 am to 2 pm 
Thursday 6 am to 2 pm 
Friday 6 am to 11 am 

Saturday, Sunday, holidays closed

t +386 1 36 14 346
m +386 41 378 050
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